Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring is Here

This weekend I was finally able to do the activity that proves to me that winter has loosened its grip on this area: I was able to sit outside and read--after hacking, smashing, and tossing into the shrubbery the layer of ice on the front porch that several feet of snow had congealed into, a thoroughly satisfying activity in itself.

I laid on my swing, gazing through the leafless branches of an elm at the tufts of cloud in the sky, listening to Hugo Friedhofer's wonderful score to The Best Years of Our Lives on my iPod. And then, high enough in the sky so that their formation was a V, then blown by the wind into a ragged W, a flock of geese soared by. I don't read as quickly when I read outside--but I don't care.


Adam Thornton said...

Oh, the joys of reading outside! For me this always includes "watching the cat," but I look forward to this year: my new apartment has a balcony AND a substantial front lawn.

As for the onset of Spring, I never believe it's really here until all the packed-up snow on the edges of the parking lots has melted. Until it's all gone (except for the piles that never get direct sunlight), I always anticipate more cold weather and more snowfall. And somehow I'm always right.

Eric Little said...

I'm afraid you're right about the onset of spring; I think I spoke too soon. It's hard to hold a book steady when 70 pounds of muscle and sinew (my dog) is shivering next to you and trying to climb into your lap like she did when she was a puppy.