Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dear Readers

I'm like many other bloggers in that once I learned that I could find out who's reading my blog, I did. Since I usually only write about subjects that a) interest me and b) seem to me worth having a thought or two about, I know my numbers will never be high. Nevertheless, it's fun to see that one person has searched for "cork+soaker+pynchon" on Google and landed here. Or "no Caine on the Brazos," which is interesting since it's an intentional pun (and not that good a one), combining the spelling of Michael Caine's last name with the title of a song the Band and Bob Dylan did on the Basement Tapes. Or "hanging+clause," since it's a mistake on my part--it should be "hanging cause."

One reader I learned about initially shook me up a little. Right after I wrote about Albert Brooks,* and titled the entry after his latest movie, someone from Iran read my blog. Synchronicity? Yes, since it was one of those navbar searches ("next blog") that led him/her here. Still...

*One movie I forgot to mention in that entry was a movie Brooks acted in, Steven Soderbergh's excellent adaptation of an Elmore Leonard novel, Out of Sight. In it, Brooks plays a thoroughly repellent Wall Street insider who has been sent to prison for fraud. Here the whininess that underlies much of his comic persona is dialed up--and he still manages to be funny.


Adam Thornton said...

And how did you get this information, Dere Klittle? I use technorati occasionally, but it doesn't give me such detailed stats.

Eric Little said...

Blogpatrol--when it works, it gives you specifics about your last 25 visitors, and all kinds of neat pie charts and bar graphs, which would probably be much more useful if I were trying to do more than share the musings on an increasing bemused mind.

Eric Little said...

Arrgh--that's "increasingLY bemused" mind...

The "when it works" refers to a problem they're having at the moment--the program requires you to log in before you can see your stats, ad infinitum...You get what you pay for, I guess.

Harry said...

I also recommend consolidating all your feed requests through Feedreader, recently bought by Google. Not only will all the requests be met by the same well-formatted, easy to use page backed by Google-stamped tech, but you can also then use Feedreader to tell you how many folks are hitting your site through a feedreader day to day. You won't get that stat on Blog Patrol (which I also love), so your numbers will look lower than they actually are.