Monday, May 7, 2007

Sumer is Acumen In

And loudly sing cuckoo. . . Another academic year is down the--uh, has just passed, and as usual, I feel better about the literature courses than the freshman writing courses, although I think there were fewer really weak writers this year. Maybe it was the absence of those novae stellae that made it seem so uneventful. Oh, well. How to teach Dante's Inferno next fall now that the Pope has consigned the idea of Limbo to, well, limbo? Just have to muddle through.

In honor of the occasion, a 1999 video of "Here Comes My Baby" by the Mavericks, who, according to Wikipedia, are an alternative country group. The title says that they are performing this song with Cat Stevens, but I can't hear him, or see him--unless he's got clown make-up on. And the horns give this more of a salsa feel than a country one.

I became enamored with this song again after Wes Anderson used Cat Stevens's version of it in Rushmore. Anderson has a real knack, for me, of using the right song at the right time--or maybe it's just because I like his musical taste, such as "A Quick One" by the Who in Rushmore, or songs from the Stones's Between the Buttons in The Royal Tennenbaums.

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