Saturday, June 30, 2007

"Donnie! You're Out of Your Element!"

If you're going to send up the Southern California hard-boiled mystery--do it right. Send it WAY up.

"Darkness warshed over the Dude--darker than a black steer's too-kiss on a moonless prairie night."

"I'm a brother shamus!"
"A brother shamus? Like an Irish monk?"

P. S. I just noticed on this rewatching that "Nihilist Woman" is played by Aimee Mann.


Harry said...

I think my favorite quote from that movie is, "Some new s**t has come to light!" I'm paraphrasing it, I think; I only saw it once, when it came out, but it was indeed funny. Bridges was so good, his acting was transparent.

Eric Little said...

There are so many funny lines from this movie, but most of them are unquotable in polite society:

Sam Elliot: Dude, I wish you you wouldn't cuss so much.

Dude: What the f*ck are talking about?